Friday 1 May 2015

Media selections..

It is important to select various forms of media to include in your work, this enables you as a designer to envision your work in various different formats.

Ways in which my book could be developed further other than printed out for schools could be to;

  • Bind and publish 
  • Ebook ( online resource) 
  • Create a game (app)
  • Merchandise 

I have already talked about producing the book as a bound book and the specifics to which i would do so however, I thought I would briefly look into producing a promotional poster and a mock up of an ebook for the book. This would allow me to show the client ways in which the book has promise and can be adapted with ease. 

At this stage I feel that I need to conduct a brief bit of research into promotional posters and ebook designs in order for me to come up with some initial quick sketches that i can select and transform into final design ideas. 

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